Sunday 26 April 2015



• Note that not all earthquakes are destructive, only a small percentage of them.

• Inspect your home, locate potential places of risks and safe places that provide shelter in a seismic emergency, for example, under door frames, a firm table, chains walls.

• Never leave panicked fleeing in terror shape of your house or within public places.

• Do not let obstacles on the road to escape doors and make sure they open easily.

• Store in a safe place a container with fresh water depending on the media, a small pantry with foods rich in protein and carbohydrates preserved.

• Keep a portable first aid kit with the necessary tools to meet sprains, dislocations, stab wounds, among others. Also, be careful instruction in first aid of family members.

• Teach responsible members of your family, stopping or cutting electricity.

• Keep family talks seriously about earthquakes and other disasters. So all together may think what to do during an earthquake, regardless of where they are. This concern will provide assistance to you. And yours to act calmly and constructively in an earthquake or other emergency.

• Do not place the pots on balconies or other heavy objects.

• Attach the walls of your home shelves and do not put high heavy unstable objects in the part. These even with low-intensity tremors originate misfortunes.

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