Sunday 26 April 2015

Choosing a Profession

Choosing a Profession

Choice of profession (or its replacement), for most of us is not easy, big-nerves. Many will say to you: "Listen to your heart," or "do what you love, what you have a passion," but these are not very useful tips. When I graduated from university, I liked that a lot. But to say that I have felt for some business love, or even passion - yet it would be an exaggeration.

We all want to choose a career that will make us happy, but how do we know that it can be? Studies suggest that people tend to have no idea how to anticipate what they will experience, doing this or that matter in the future.  And really, how can I know that I would be happy if I became a bank investor, or an artist, or a professor, if anything like I've never worked? Who, in the history of mankind, chose a job where everything was exactly as he had imagined?

But if passion and the expected happiness cannot be a guide for the choice of profession, what can? To begin with, it makes sense to choose a career that fits your skills and values. If you have some idea about yourself (hopefully), it's a good start.

Less obvious, though no less important point - you need to choose a job that will match your motivation.

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