Thursday 26 March 2015

Senior IT Engineering Manager / Senior Technology Officer

Senior IT Engineering Manager / Senior Technology Officer

Job description

  • Building the Internet Marketplace Platform and managing high scale transactional m-commerce and e-commerce platforms. 
  • Building a team responsible for Product development, product management, product marketing, Data analytics, Personalization and recommendation, Catalog, Chat, Buyer Profile, Admin Security, CRM, DWH & Business Intelligence, Content Management, Workflow management.
  •  Internet Marketplace Platform & Product Development: Design, architecture, implementation & delivery of high performance, available, internet scalable, mission-critical intelligent systems, broken down as follows:
  • Platform and product Design & Architecture, Workflow,Performance, testing and implementation
  • Delivery of a high performance, available, internet scalable, mission-critical intelligent system.
  • Data Structures & Algorithm (covering OOA [object oriented architecture]): Design Patterns, UML (unified modelling language)
  • Product Management
  • Personalization & Recommendation: Similar products, Recommended categories
  • Developing & increasing customer acquisition & conversion
  • Decreasing cost of customer acquisition
  • Search: on SOLR and Search engine, Catalog Management, Marketing (developing tools to help marketing teams in SEO and SEM efforts).
  • Mobile Apps: Building Mobile Apps (Windows, iOS, Android) for m-commerce, Mobile APIs to handle mobile traffic, implementing a host of mobile apps. 
  • Business Intelligence: Predictive Modeling, Data Mining, Market Intelligence, Data Design & Architecture, Big Data, Distributed Systems, CXO dashboards, Break even analysis, Customer cohorts

Desired Skills and Experience

Skills, Specialties, Knowledge of and Experience in:
  • Prior work experience: in m-commerce and e-commerce internet companies.
  • SaaS Integration: Knowledge of how to integrate with best of breed SaaS softwares for CRM, MIS, Navigation, Inventory, HRMS, Accounting packages, SEO & SEM, Content Management, Billing, Social Media (fb, Instagram, Google, Linkedin, etc.
  • API Integration: Integrating with APIs (like Google Map APIs etc.) for Android, iOS and Windows
  • Multivariate Testing
  • Web Services, SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), Graph Databases, REST API
  • Domains: Ecommerce, Mobile
  • Web Skills: HTML / DHTML, AJAX, CSS, Javascript
  • AnalyticsGoogle Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Web Analytics, Marketing Analytics: Spends optimization, channel ROIs
  • Product analytics: User behavior, AB Testing, Design optimization
  • Category analytics: Performance scorecards for categories, brands and merchants
  • Distributed Systems
  • Data Warehousing - Big Data systems, ETL, data sources integrations
  • Large scale Data Processing: Map reduce, hadoop, hive
  • Programming Language: Java, JSP /JSTL, Servlets, C/C++,, SharePoint, MVC architecture (Spring 3.0 & Spring MVC), Hadoop
  • Database: SQL Server 2012
  • Application Servers: Understanding of Tomcat, IIS Server, Storm & Apache Kafka 
  • Other Skills: Omniture, Spark, HBase, Cassandra, Oozie, Hue, Aerospike, Pentaho, Vertica

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