Wednesday 11 September 2013

Yahoo Logo Drive comes to an end, with a New Yahoo Logo

yahoo, logo, latest, new, 30days, 30, logos, new, all logos, images, yahoomail, newyahoo, newyahoologo, new, august, pakistan, usa,

Yahoo Logo Drive comes to an end, with a New Yahoo Logo

Now Yahoo is having a new logo. Yahoo started a new logo launch campaign in 8th August 2013, which continued through September 4th 2013. With this great Marketing strategy Yahoo welcomed millions of new visitors to their website and other social media places to see their changing logos day to day.

Keeping in mind day to day progressive changes in Yahoo products, one can't ignore their true success. Yahoo really really developed it's product along with services offered. Here I am sharing all the 30 logos with you people which Yahoo been using through out the campaign period. Also I have attached the one Latest and Finalized logo of Yahoo in start of my writing. See and analyse the difference in all following Purple Logos. 

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