Saturday 7 September 2013

Chose your Career at Right Time...!!

Chose your Career at Right Time...!!


Before writing on Career selection or choosing Career wisely , I would like to give you some Introduction of word Career. What actually Career means? 

       "Career is a life time process, it can be defined as the collection all the connected aspects of life from the beginning to the end. Activities are common in almost every well developed man in world. Those start from Learning, to building personality, to acquiring a job and than developing oneself in his field. Combining all of these activities in a box is called Career. Remember Career is not only Job which one do"

Choosing a Career:

As I mentioned Career is a life long process, comprising of multiple things so one should be vigilant and serous in regards of choosing his/her Career. One should be mentally prepared while deciding about his/her Career that it's going to effect his/her entire life. Getting guidance while deciding or selecting a Career choice is highly appreciated. Our Teachers and Parents can be best people to seek guidance in this regard. One can discuss and share his/her opinion with those people easily and clearly.

One should keep in mind all his/her skills, interests, capabilities, and resources while choosing a Career choice. Starting from School moving to a Collage level one should seek parallel Education, which can provide him/her routes towards a Successful Career. Here are few tips and tricks for choosing a Career:
  • Know your Interests at very first. (One should Identify him/her self  very deeply, what things he/she loves to do and want to do)
  • Filter your Skills. (Things which one can do and expert in. Skills can be Technical as well as Soft)
  • Be Creative and Broadminded. (One should think out of the box, must focus on long term benefits, predict future growth)
  • Give proper Time to yourself to Decide. (One should give proper time to his/her self in considering all the perspectives in deep, should not be in hurry, don't get pressurized from your parents or any one else, give everything a second thought )
  • Wait for the right time. (After analyzing yourself you should wait to get the required opportunity as per your skills and interests, don't go for irrelevant choices)
After following above tips One will be able to chose his career, next thing which comes in mind is how to get a job as per our Career will. Keep reading I will be posting many more articles to find required job and ways to apply and acquire that.